What is the National Electrical Code?

nh electrician

Although most people don’t walk around wondering what the national electrical code may be, your NH electrician does, and should. As a licensed electrician, knowing the most up to date state coding requirements is a must when it comes to safety. This article will provide you a brief overview of the NEC and why it’s […]

Which Type of Smoke Detector is Best for Your Home?

electrician Derry NH

When it comes to protecting your family, there’s no room for error or chance. Smoke detectors are one of those areas that chance should not apply. With a quick call to your Derry, NH electrician, you can have the peace of mind you need knowing that smoke detectors in your home are working correctly. Sure, […]

How to Choose the Right Generator

With winter coming to an end in New England many people may not be thinking about a generator install.  However, spring and summer bring heavy storms and winds that often knock out the power.  Any time of year is a good time to have your local Hudson NH electrician professionally install your generator.  From large-scale […]

Common Causes of Electrical Fires

Electrician in Hudson, NH

According to an article by Fire Rescue 1, the United States Fire Administration states that there are about 28,600 electrical fires every year. Electrical fires are dangerous, and many individuals may not even know it is happening since the only warning sign is the smell of smoke. There are hundreds of deaths, thousands of injuries, […]

How and where is all that electricity made?

NH electricians

A standard part of our everyday lives that we tend to overlook is the use of electricity. Every day, everything that we use on a regular basis uses some power, even if it is not running. NH electricians are capable of providing you with any service that you need. It is important to remember where […]

What It Takes To Be An Electrician

NH electrician from Chamberlin

Becoming an electrician does not sound like the most glamorous job on the planet. Honestly, it isn’t. There is a lot of work and learning required. Education ensures that you are safe, your customers are safe, and all the buildings you work on are up to code. Manual labor is common, as well as a […]

Common Electrical Problems in Your Home


When it comes to your home, the safety and well-being is top priority! There is a lot that comes with keeping your home in tip-top shape, and your electrical system is on that list! But, how do you know if your electrical problem is harmless or hazardous? Your electrician in Hudson, NH is here to help you decipher if the issue can be fixed simply or professionally!

The Importance of Electrical Preventive Maintenance


It is crucial for any commercial building or home to have regular electrical preventive maintenance. Just like your car, having a routine service done will keep your important systems running longer and help avoid costly repairs. If there is an issue with your wiring, your electrician in Hudson, NH can uncover it during this visit so that repairs can be made before the problem becomes worse.