5 Things to Have on Hand During a Power Outage

nh electricians

Winter in NH means ice, snow, and power outages. We’ve barely scratched the surface of a New England winter, so there’s a good chance we’ll soon experience all three, possibly at the same time.

Do You Need to Update Your Electrical Panel?

electrician manchester nh

No matter the age of your home, you need an up-to-date electrical panel. An electrician in the Manchester, NH, area will look for these things to determine if you need an upgrade.

Keeping You and Your NH Generator Safe

nh generator

Keeping up with generator maintenance in NH is critical, especially before the winter, and so is running your generator safely. Follow these essential tips for safe generator operation.

What NH Electricians Want You to Know About Building an Inground Pool

nh eletricians

If you’ve been eyeing your neighbor’s pool and wishing you had one for yourself, why shouldn’t this be the summer you decide to go for it? Many people opt for the more permanent option of an inground pool. In that case, there are a few more things you have to consider that you may not have thought about.

Stay Safe with Outdoor Lighting This Spring

nh electrcian

As we anticipate the warm weather of spring and summer, we’re thinking about how we can enjoy times outdoors, even when it’s dark. If you’re installing outdoor lighting in your residential or commercial space, you’re going to need a NH electrician.