How and where is all that electricity made?

NH electricians

A standard part of our everyday lives that we tend to overlook is the use of electricity. Every day, everything that we use on a regular basis uses some power, even if it is not running. NH electricians are capable of providing you with any service that you need. It is important to remember where […]

The Importance of Commercial Generators

commercial electrician

Too many times there is the risk of the power going out during a heat wave or a severe storm. When you run a business, you need to be able to remain “in business” and keep your customers safe. That is why any commercial electrician will recommend that you get a backup generator ready and […]

Pools and Electrical Safety


With the summer here and individuals opening up their pools for the season, safety is essential. Your home is the prime location for many incidents during the summer, though you may not realize it – especially if you have a pool. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, in the ten years between 2003 and […]