Seven Ways To Lower Energy Costs This Spring

residential electrian NH

The hazy, hot, and humid days of summer are just around the corner, which for some means a hefty electric bill as well. Instead of sinking a good chunk of your paycheck into cooling your home this year, here are some helpful tips to reduce your electric bill from your local residential electrician in NH, Chamberlin Electric.

What is the National Electrical Code?

nh electrician

Although most people don’t walk around wondering what the national electrical code may be, your NH electrician does, and should. As a licensed electrician, knowing the most up to date state coding requirements is a must when it comes to safety. This article will provide you a brief overview of the NEC and why it’s […]

Which Type of Smoke Detector is Best for Your Home?

electrician Derry NH

When it comes to protecting your family, there’s no room for error or chance. Smoke detectors are one of those areas that chance should not apply. With a quick call to your Derry, NH electrician, you can have the peace of mind you need knowing that smoke detectors in your home are working correctly. Sure, […]

How and where is all that electricity made?

NH electricians

A standard part of our everyday lives that we tend to overlook is the use of electricity. Every day, everything that we use on a regular basis uses some power, even if it is not running. NH electricians are capable of providing you with any service that you need. It is important to remember where […]

Understanding Power In Your Home


Talk with any electrician, and they will tell you that there are plenty of different options when it comes to the power usage in your home. Power relates to the amount of energy needed within the home during any particular time. Required energy that is needed relates to the amount kilowatt-hours used. The kilowatt-hour is […]

Why Become an Electrician?

Electrician in Hudson, NH

In 2015, our dependency on electricity has skyrocketed with our use of smartphones, tablets, laptops, television and general appliances.