Generator NH: Spring Cleaning for Generators

Home Backup Generators NH


Don’t think twice about the health of your Generator in NH this Spring! Even in the summer, bad storms can cause power outages, and that’s where our generators from Generac come in! However, don’t forget to inspect your generator. Regular maintenance and updates from Chamberlin Electric’s generator professionals can guarantee the longevity of your generator in the event of a bad storm. Here are some ways you can tell if your generator should be serviced. 


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Wear & Tear

If you haven’t already checked your generator for signs of wear and tear, now is the perfect time! After the cold from the winter months, it’s good to inspect the entire generator. This is because the constant salting of ice and the freeze and thaw cycle from the past few months may have corroded certain parts. After a spring thaw, it’s a good idea to get the radiator and any fuel filters checked to see if they have been clogged or corroded. 


residential electrician

Animal Nesting

Another issue you may deal with is small, furry creatures! If you didn’t inspect your home and the generator before or during the winter, you might have a bigger problem than just clogged filters. Rodents, birds, rabbits (and bees), are looking for a place to call home before the cold months hit and make a new home in your generator. Always check your exhaust pipes, connectors, and fans in the late Fall and early Spring to keep your generator running smoothly and keep little critters out!


licensed electrician

Generator NH Maintenance with Chamberlin Electric

In need of “spring cleaning” for your generator? Leave it to the professionals at Chamberlin Electric! Our licensed electrician and generator experts service all Generac models with 24/7 support. We will ensure all replacement parts are available at market-appropriate price. For more information on our services, visit our website!


Does your generator need service? Contact us to schedule your service today! Like our Facebook page for more updates!